Baru-baru ini, setiausaha kelab UMNO Wellington telah dicalonkan sebagai salah seorang "TOP LISTED OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OF THE YEAR FINALIST" oleh New Zealand Educated. Pencapaian ini amat membanggakan bagi pelajar Malaysia dan boleh dijadikan sumber inspirasi dan rujukan bagi mana-mana pelajar yang ingin berkecimpung dengan lebih mendalam setiap aktiviti yang dilakukan baik daripada pihak Malaysia hatta dari pihak New Zealand. Syabas diucapkan. Boleh klik DI SINI untuk mnyatakan sokongan anda kepada Shamimi.
Name: Shamimi Shamsuddin
Institution: Victoria University of Wellington
Home Country: Malaysia
Why I deserve to win: I have graduated in my BSC Mathematics last December and currently studying for my BSc Hons (Mathematics). Other than my academic achievement, I have also participated in a lot of extra-curricular activities, namely:
1)Cultural Forums (2010-2011): I have participated as panelists in few forums on cultural integration organized by Victoria International and MSC (Malaysian Student Council).
2) UN Youth Aotearoa New Zealand (2008-2011) - As member of UNYANZ, I participated as delegate in Model Asean Regional Forum 2010 as well as became the conference assistant (twice), and logistics coordinator (once).
3) VUW Swords Club (2010-2011) - Executive members of the fencing club. I learnt the martial art that is completely new to me and help around with organizing competitions.
4) Wellington UMNO Club (2008,2009,2011) - Secretary for one of the Malaysian club in Wellington.
5) Homework Club (2009-2010)- The club runs by Wellington Somali Council (NGO) to facilitate helps for refugee background high-school students. I volunteered as a tutor there.
6) Campus Coaches (2010) - guide and help new students for a smoother transition in campus and monitor their needs during their first month at uni.
7) Muslim Students of VUW Club (2009) - As the Cultural Council Representatives, I was responsible to connect Muslim students at university, regardless of our cultural backgrounds. Other experiences: I have also worked as a fruit packer in Roxburgh, Central Otago and lived with wonderful kiwis over there for about 1 and half month. I am also blessed to have an adopted kiwi family which is very loving and caring towards me. Of course, there are many other experiences that I cannot possibly list them in details here. I cherish my cultural experience in New Zealand very much. Getting involved with the Kiwi to me doesn't only mean to get to know the Maori or Pakeha but also about learning the "Kiwi culture" , namely the lifestyle of Kiwi that is much tolerant and compassionate to others, including the international person (like me), the refugees, and the people from different faith(namely the New Zealanders attitude towards Muslims).
Salam..saya Mohd Luqman Hakim Ab Rahim, wartawan akhbar tempatan di Malaysia, Kosmo!..
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Kolum Di Rantau Orang, Refleks, yang merupakan tajaan Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, menceritakan pengalaman pengalaman pahit manis belia yang berada di bumi asing..tidak kira yang masih belajar dan bekerja..
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terima kasih.
InsyaAllah kami sedia membantu. kalau ada sebarang pertanyaan atau permintaan, saya wakil dr kelab UMNO Wellington berbesar hati ntk tlg, klik Hidayah Hasnani.