Pada hari Jumaat bersamaan 25/Marc/2011 telah diadakan Umno Talk bertajuk " Future leaders of Malaysia.Are we ready?". Ceramah ringkas ini telah di sampaikan oleh Tuan Presiden kita, Amar Gadaffi. Seramai lebih kurang 70 pelajar telah mengahdirkan diri dan menikmati nasi ayam yang lazat di penghujung majlis.
Majlis Tertinggi kelab Umno
pelajar-pelajar yang menghadirkan diri
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Teks semasa ceramah ringkas tersebut:
Future leaders of Malaysia: Are We Ready?
First of all, I would like to thank all of our members for joining Wellington UMNO Club (WUC). Your supports and passions are much appreciated.Allow me to take you down to memory lane when WUC was established few years ago. The founders of the WUC aimed to make this Club as a platform for a capacity building to groom members to become future leaders of Malaysia. I really hope that we can make their noble dreams a reality. Apart from that I wish that we can learn together on how best we can contribute for the betterment of our nation.
In ever increasingly global challenges and competitiveness, it is very important for us to keep abreast with national agenda. With the launching of Government Transformation Programmes announced by the Prime Minister a couple of years ago, Government is striving to make Malaysia a high income country and to secure developed nation status in a near future.
And, we are part of that future! In other words, the success of the above agenda is more or less depends on us.
Perhaps, we will ask ourselves, why us? We are just students!
Yes, we are students. But the fact that we are students makes this argument all the more important and significant. We are here, in the Kiwi land, as students because Government has adopted a policy that shift away from investment in bricks and mortars to investment in people. It is a prerequisite in achieving knowledge driven economic prosperity which is so reliant to professional human resources. That is why human resources have to be developed through proper education and training so this ‘competitive advantage’ will contribute to the development of the nation.
This may trigger another argument among us. Yes, we know that but it can wait until we graduated. There is no time for that now. This is a perfect time for us to have fun and to fall in love. We are not into serious stuffs yet!While I must admit that I absolutely agree that youth life is meant to enjoy the life (I was young too!), but it is also a critical phase of our life to nurture, develop, shape and form our ideology, belief and view about what happens around us and our world.
Believe me, the world belongs to young people. There are so many exciting stories about young people who creating history after history. In every stream of life there are young heroes that we can look for inspiration (thank you to Tukar Tiub aka Hishamudin Rais for opening my eyes on this topic. Even we are not on the same political page, but credit must be given where credit is due).
The Beatles and Sex Pistols were teenagers when they started their revolution in music industry. The same goes to Nirvana who improvised the rebellious kind of music that caught the world by surprise.
In football, Pele and Maradona started to dominate the world when they were very young. Ryan Giggs terrorized the footb all pitch when he was 17 years old (and after 20 years, he is amazingly still doing that).
The ICT era that we are in now has been shaped by the young geeks. Bill Gates, Jerry Yang and Mark Zukerberg, to name a few, were just undergraduate students when they started redrawing the world boundaries.
In political arena, there are a lot of young warriors. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, Sun Yat Sen, Mahatma Ghandi, Bhagat Singh and Hasan al-Banna – all of them started to fight for the cause that they believed when they were very young.Islamic history too doesn’t lack of these young icons. Umar Abdul Aziz was just 25 years old when he reformed the corrupt system of Bani Umayyah. Muhammad al-Fateh, who had been predicted in the Hadith, conquered the Constantinopole at the age of 21. The four great Imams – all of them showed their sign of intelligence since their early years. And the list goes on…
So, there is no excuse for us to ignore our responsibilities to our nation just because we are still young.
The world is upon us. The platform (WUC) has been provided for us. Let’s learn and work together for the better future of Malaysia. In WUC, we obviously seek your support, your assistance, your ideas, your scrutiny and criticism. With passion, big dream and hard work, I believe we will.
Amar Gadaffi
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